Our Policies

School Complaints Procedure

You must publish details of your school’s complaints procedure, which must comply with Section 29 of the Education Act 2002.

Read guidance on developing your school’s complaints procedure.

You must also publish any arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with special educational needs (SEN) about the support the school provides.

The school’s complaints procedures are set out in our Complaints Policy.   If there is a problem, parents are advised to discuss this with the Headteacher in the first instance.

Provider Access Statement

This section of the website sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.


All pupils in years 7-8 are entitled:

–  to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
–  to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events.
–  to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses. (not applicable to middle schools).


Please refer to the Provider Access Policy Providing Access Policy Careers 2023/24 that shows the way in which education and training providers should get in touch with the school in order to gain access to pupils and/or parents to inform them about further opportunities. The school will then work with providers in order to identify the most effective opportunity for them to share information about education and training opportunities.

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