
History at Wellfield

Our aim at Wellfield is to develop an appreciation and understanding of our dynamic and rich past that makes us who we are today. The history curriculum empowers learners to become curious, to develop their own opinions based on a respect for evidence, and to build a deeper understanding of the present by engaging with and questioning the past. At the heart of the history curriculum is the desire to:

  • facilitate learner’s ability to focus on historical enquiry
  • engage with a wide range of written and visual interpretations through an evaluation of primary and secondary sources
  • show an understanding of social and cultural diversity
  • develop the ability to reach substantiated judgements based on a considered assessment of different arguments. 

The learning experience of students is at the forefront of planning, therefore materials are regularly reviewed, with planning of lessons building upon previous knowledge and skills gained by students. Our intention is that learning is embedded and sequential to contribute to long term memory, with learning becoming progressively more challenging through the Key Stages.

“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future”
Theodore Roosevelt

History is who we are and why we are the way we are. History is not just the past, it is the present and it is the future. At Wellfield, we believe that our pupils should develop a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and the wider world. In addition to this, we recognise the important role history plays in preparing our pupils with skills that they can use in life, raising their aspirations, developing their understanding of how to be a good and responsible citizen of the world understanding change and societal development and a context in which they understand themselves and others.

Teachers at Wellfield know good history teaching happens when:


  • Pupils are engaged 
  • Pupils are enthusiastic and speak positively about history
  • Pupils are inquisitive and ask questions
  • Pupils of all abilities are challenged
  • Pupils can confidently use subject specific vocabulary
  • There is a range of strategies and support to help every type of learner.

History and the 5Cs


In history, we believe that our pupils should develop a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and the wider world. Progression in history is characterised by knowledge, concepts and skills. These are the building blocks upon which our pupils make progress in history over time. As our pupils progress, they should engage with an increasing breadth, depth and complexity of historical content.


Throughout the history curriculum, our pupils are able to use a variety of transferable skills with many opportunities to develop writing and oracy skills. We take pride in the use of technology and the use of iPads and relevant apps, which are an important tool in communication.


Our history curriculum allows our pupils to think creatively and to respond flexibly, intuitively and imaginatively when challenged by historical problems. For example, we encourage our pupils to challenge conventional responses and assumptions, e.g. were the reasons for X as simple as that? Our pupils will also be given opportunities to creatively display their knowledge and understanding in history through the use of different media, for example, creating a movie trailer about the Battle of Hastings.


Our history curriculum aims to encourage pupils to explore our connection to the wider world and allow children to learn about their sense of place and belonging in the local community as well as the global community. It is an opportunity to discover our impact historically and how Britain has influenced and changed the way we live on a variety of scales.


Our history curriculum encourages our pupils to develop an understanding of the importance of inclusion, acceptance and diversity. It is important that we consider what we can learn from history and how we can learn from the positive and negative impacts of leadership and events of our past on different societies.

Long Term Plans

Skills Progression