Art at Wellfield

In Art, we strive to develop high level of skill within the formal elements whilst deepening our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Art is a subject where pupils can express themselves and enhance their own creativity and independence – valuable skills in today’s ever-changing world.  Our rich and varied Art education seeks to develop pupils artistic interests, creativity and confidence through exploration, experimentation and constant refinement of skills. Practising automatism and the art of self-expression supports children’s mental health and promotes their well being.

During lessons there is a buzz of excitement to begin tasks and there is calmness as learners focus fully on their main activity. Quality and exciting resources produced by the art teacher inspire, support and challenge pupils. Schemes are thoughtful, relevant and meaningful, often linking to contemporary issues or broadening pupils’ knowledge of other cultures. Project overviews and targets are clear and encouraging. Pupils continually build on their knowledge and skills, and become more confident in critiquing artwork. Pupils feel proud of their final outcomes which are refined to a high standard, regularly pushing past the skill set expectations of their age group.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge”- Albert Einstein
“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time ”- Anon

Teachers at Wellfield know good Art teaching happens when:


  •  Artwork is inclusive and of a high standard – pupils are proud to see their outcomes exhibited across school.
  •  Pupils and the wider school community are positively impacted by subject topics and outcomes.
  •  Pupils’ art books, folders and learning journey’s demonstrate consistent progress in skills, creativity and variation alongside clear objectives – pupils can work creatively, independently and collaboratively.
  •  Engagement in extra curricular art activities is high and pupils are enthusiastic.

Art and the 5Cs


Art objectives, overviews and personalised targets allow for clear understanding of topics, the formal elements and skills.

Opportunities to deepen artist knowledge through analysis, ‘meet the artist’ and independent research within each topic allows pupils to understand the meaning and impact artwork can have, whilst gaining valuable knowledge of mediums.


Regular whole class critiquing builds communication within the art classroom and extends art vocabulary. 

Written and oral communication builds understanding of art and how to improve art techniques. Opportunities to communicate feelings, ideas and identity are encouraged and planned for.


All projects build towards an accumulative final piece which expresses creative ideas.

Automatism is taught and practised within each year group and encouraged as a wellbeing technique. Pupils understand that art can be an outlet to express their own creative thinking and imagination. Creative experimentation builds pupils’ understanding of materials.


Critiquing in groups and creating a safe place to express identities allows to build a sense of community within the art classroom. During the exhibiting progress whether online or in person, pupils share their outcomes with the wider school community. An understanding of their responsibility and community within the wider world is planned within art topics. Pupils are encouraged to take action on social and environmental issues through art. Pupils are enabled to create art which protests and advocates on a topic which matters to them.


Topics covering current issues (e.g. endangered species, black lives matter, conflict zones, climate change etc.) builds pupils empathy and compassion. Pupils understand how, through art,  compassion can lead to action which can lead to change. Pupils learn the importance of being compassionate towards their fellow artists and are taught to to be open minded and considerate to other people’s choices of self-expression, genders, sexual identities and issues that matter to them.

Long Term Plans

Skills Progression