Year 7 PSHE Lessons

Year 7 PSHE Lessons

16th June 2022

Dear Parent/Guardian,

This term, Year 7 will be studying Relationships and Sex Education in their PSHE lessons. This unit covers: celebrating differences in families, how we can keep safe and have positive relationships (including with family, friends and as we grow and enter into romantic relationships) and online safety, in the context of image share danger.

We feel this will help prepare the children for challenges they may face in a sensible way and within a safe, inclusive environment, with content delivered by teachers that students are familiar and comfortable with.

Further information relating to our PSHE teaching can be found on our website. There are some elements where withdrawal is possible but we feel that all content is age-appropriate and important to learn.

We will begin teaching this unit in Summer 2; please contact us with any questions or concerns that you may have.

We will assume that consent for these lessons is given unless you text the school with the response – Y7 SRE OPT OUT.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs C Bell
