Year 6 PSHE Lessons

Year 6 PSHE Lessons

16th June 2022

Dear Parent/Carers,

This half term, Year 6 will be studying Sex and Relationships Education in their PSHE lessons. We will be following a scheme created by our colleagues at North Tyneside Council. This unit is a continuation of learning from year five. It covers puberty, reproduction, conception and pregnancy. Other topics include how to stay safe (which links to our SafetyWorks trip) and changes that could affect children such as loss or divorce.

We feel this will help prepare the children for the changes they will face in a sensible way and in a safe environment. These lessons will be delivered in a sensitive matter with our children’s wellbeing at the heart of everything we teach.

PSHE is a non-statutory subject, and so these lessons are not compulsory, although strongly recommended. We will assume that consent for these lessons is given unless you text the school with the response – Y6 SRE OPT OUT.

Thank you for your support. If you require any further information, please feel free to get in touch.

Mrs Catherine Bell