Letter from Mrs Winter

Letter from Mrs Winter

Dear Parents and Carers
Can I take this opportunity to thank you all for the many kind words you shared with us throughout the lockdown period. Planning and delivering an education to our students during difficult and ever changing circumstances was a challenge and without precedent. We therefore appreciate your supportive feedback and the home learning anecdotes you shared, made us smile.

Towards the end of the summer holidays we will send out the class lists and timetable for the first week back along with a reminder of expectations with regards to Covid 19. As the majority of our pupils participated in the transition events this will be a reminder rather than anything new. The school is currently having a long overdue redecoration which gives us limited access to the office however please do not hesitate to email us if you have any queries.

Finally, I would like to wish all our school community a very happy summer holiday and I am looking forward to seeing all our pupils in September, ready to start our new academic year.

Best wishes,

Susan Winter